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Psy.D.   University of Denver 1994

APA Approved Internship; Stanford University Medical Center/Children's Hospital 7/93-6/94

M.S.  University of New Orleans 1982

B.S. University of Kentucky 1980



Psychologist - Mindful Solutions, PLLC. 9/2010 to present.

Independent private psychotherapy practice specializing in child, adolescent and family issues with a special focus on Pediatric Psychology (as noted just below). Therapy, assessment and consultations performed.  Formerly associated with the Spicer Family Center as an independent provider (9/11-7/13).

Psychologist - Catamount Associates, Inc., Bennington, VT, 4/97 to 9/2010
As a member of a multi-specialty private practice group of mental health professionals; provide psychotherapy, assessment, and consultation services; with specialization in child, adolescent, group and family therapy. Areas of expertise: Cognitive-Behavioral therapy, Pediatric Psychology (children with long term or terminal diseases), brain injury, neuropsychological disorders, impulse control disorders, Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, Reactive Attachment Disorder, school assessment, planning, and programming.

Treatment Coordinator - The Emily Griffith Center, Larkspur, CO, 8/94 to 3/97.
Designed and implemented a new program for boys aged 10 to 14 years old who have extensive histories of abuse, neglect, impulse control disorders, and who have begun to be sexually abusive. The focus of intervention is on skill building, preventative and integrative treatment for younger, more severely at risk adolescents. Developed a coordinated, structured group therapy format with a research component. Perform individual, experiential, group and family therapy in a ranch type setting. Consult with hospitals, social service agencies and courts. Conduct assessments to determine cognitive functioning,
personality integration, and dangerousness.

Field Placement Supervisor, University of Denver

Graduate School of Professional Psychology, Denver, CO, 8/96 to 4/97.
Supervised graduate students in assessment, individual, group and family therapy.

Clinical Psychology Intern - Stanford University Medical Center, Children's Hospital/Children's Health Council, Palo Alto, CA, 7/93-6/94.
APA approved predoctoral internship in Child Clinical and Pediatric Psychology. Conducted individual, group, and family therapy in both inpatient and outpatient settings. Evaluated mental health of children and served on the school age assessment team performing multidisciplinary assessments. Treated children admitted to the Medical Psychiatry Unit and their families. Served on Consultation/Liaison Psychiatry team evaluating and treating psychiatric disorders secondary to surgical procedures or diseases. Acted as psychiatric consultant to hospital clinics including the adolescent, youth, and eating disorders clinics.

Research Assistant - John F. Kennedy Center for Developmental Disabilities, University of Colorado Health Sciences Center, Denver, CO, 9/91 - 6/93.
Organized data, analyzed statistics and designed computer graphics for federal training grant project. Observed, interviewed and rated staff in day care centers. Developed rating scales for a federal grant program. Designed and conducted focus groups as follow-up to research.

Coordinator - Dual Diagnosis Program, Comprehensive Care Centers of Northern Kentucky, Ft. Wright, KY, 7/89-8/91.
Developed case management services for up to 50 developmentally disabled/ emotionally or behaviorally disturbed children. Conducted individual, group, family and behavior therapy. Initiated and directed the Crisis Stabilization Unit, a 6 bed, short-term community residential placement. Designed the CSU treatment program, coordinated services with other agencies and consulted with schools regarding classroom behavior and educational planning. Supervised Masters level therapists and direct care staff. Prepared grant applications, administered budget of $120,000., and analyzed treatment outcome statistics. Served as case manager and therapist for adult rehabilitation workshop in a rural county. Consulted with school and legal personnel regarding case planning. CCCNK is a seven-county community mental health center.

Psychological Associate III - Southeast Louisiana Hospital, Mandeville, LA, 3/84-7/89.
Conducted individual and group therapy. Performed psychological assessments. Designed and implemented behavior modification programs. Redesigned and managed the token economy for up to 83 behaviorally or emotionally disturbed children. Consulted with teachers regarding educational planning and behavioral management. Served on an interdisciplinary team. Designed and co-facilitated a 10 session problem solving/social skills training group and male victims and perpetrators groups. Performed parent management training and family therapy.

Acting Chair of Psychology Department-Belle Chasse State School, Belle Chasse, LA, 7/83-3/84
Functionally supervised up to 9 Masters level Psychological Associates. Chaired weekly meetings, developed policies, prepared budget and coordinated services between disciplines.

Psychological Associate I-Belle Chasse State School, Belle Chasse, LA, 11/82-3/84.
Performed psychological assessments, designed and implemented behavior modification programs and crisis management plans. Served on an interdisciplinary team for 40 developmentally disabled/emotionally disturbed adults. Graduate Teaching Assistant - Department of Psychology, University of New Orleans, New Orleans, LA, 1/82-7/82.

PSYCHOLOGY TRAINEESHIPS, University of Denver, Denver CO:

Families First Inc., 8/92-6/93.
Initiated individual, group and family therapy with abused/neglected children and their families. Assessed clients for
behavioral and emotional problems. Designed research program to study intervention planning and treatment outcome for 12
bed residential childcare facility for ages 3 to 12 yrs.

Child Opportunity Program/Headstart, 9/91-5/92.
Acted as psychological consultant to teachers and parents. Assessed, observed and designed behavior therapy programs for
children (including many Mexican-American and Asian-American) in Headstart classrooms.

Professional Psychology Clinic, School of Professional Psychology, University of Denver, 10/91-6/93.
Conduct individual therapy, minimum of two cases maintained concurrently. Supervision provided by Professional Seminar leaders and Clinical Affiliates.


Spencer, S.B., & Hemmer, R.C. (1993). Therapeutic bias with gay and lesbian clients: A functional analysis. The Behavior Therapist, 16(4), 93-96.

Hemmer, R.C., Olson, G.A., Kastin, A.J., McLean J.H. & Olson, R.D. (1982). Effects of naloxone and its quarternary form on fluid consumption in rats. Pharmacology, Biochemistry & Behavior, 17(6), 1287- 1290.

Clarkson, D.B., King, B.M., Hemmer, R.C., Olson, G.A., Kastin, A.J. & Olson, R.D. (1982). Naloxone decreases consumption of liquid and solid sucrose in vagotomized rats. Physiology & Behavior, 29(5), 927-930.

Hemmer, R.C. (1987). Abuse and Neglect Policy for Regina Coeli Child Development Center. Curriculum Committee project to update the guidelines defining abuse and determining mandated reporters.


“An Integrative Approach to the Treatment of Child Sexual Abuse.”
Child Psychiatry Grand Rounds, Stanford University School of Medicine, 3/16/94. Doctoral paper topic.

“The Use of Meaning in Treating Early Adolescent Perpetrators.”
National Adolescent Perpetrators Network Conference; Sponsored by Kempe National Center on Child Abuse. Poster Presentation, Minneapolis, MN; 3/2/96.

“The Use of Meaning in the Treatment of Child Sexual Abuse”
American Professional Society on the Abuse of Children, Fourth National Colloquium; Poster Presentation; Chicago, IL, 6/29/96.

“Developmental Aspects of Sexually Abusive Youth: Practical Applications of Developmental Theory”. Invited Lecture: Regional Training Consortium, Regis University, Denver, CO, 7/19/96

“A Structured Group Program to Treat Young Sex Offenders in a Residential Treatment Setting: The Team Approach”. Colorado Child and Adolescent Mental Health Conference: 90 min. Workshop; Colorado Springs, CO 3/16-18, 97:

“A Structured Group Program to Treat Young Sex Offenders in a Residential Treatment Setting.”
National Adolescent Perpetrators Network Conference; Sponsored by Kempe National Center on Child Abuse: Poster Presentation, Cherry Hill, NJ; 4/13-15/97.

“Group Psychotherapy with Children and Adolescents: Conceptual bases and a specific example.”
Dept. of Psychiatry Grand Rounds, Southwestern Vermont Medical Center, 5/2/97
Adolescence, Pregnancy, and Relationships. Child Health Coalition, 6/3/98

“Update on Attention Deficit Disorders.”
Dept. of Psychiatry Grand Rounds, Southwestern Vermont Medical Center, 3/5/99



Continuation of funding grant for the Crisis Stabilization Unit & Case management Project, Dual Diagnosis
Program, State of Kentucky, 1990 & 1991.

National Endowment for the Arts grant to start SPOTLIGHT JAZZ SERIES, University of Kentucky Concert
Committee, 1979.



American Psychological Association; Section 12 Clinical Psychology

Society for Pediatric Psychology


Vermont Arts Exchange; 10/05 to present. Technical Coordinator/Producer, Basement Music Series. Help coordinate and bring to the stage various musical groups.

Bennington Sexual Abuse Treatment Team Member.

Community Built Park. 2-6/99. Helped on committee and helped with the build!

Depression Support Group, 9/92-6/93. Co-facilitator for a support group for up to 25 adults meeting twice monthly at a local community center. Supervised by Dr. Paul Block, PhD. and sponsored by the Mental Health Association of Colorado, Listener Support Network, Pfizer Pharmaceuticals and the DU School of Professional Psychology.

Board of Directors and Chair of Programming Committee, Regina Coeli Child Development Center, 5/84-7/89. Developed policies and administered budget for a five parish Headstart program serving over 800 children in southeastern

Get in Touch

Office Location: 129 Lincoln Ave. Manchester, VT

Mailing Address:  160 Benmont Ave., Suite 20

                                      Bennington, VT 05201

Business cell: 802-362-5660


Fax: 802-447-3392 

For business information, billing, and management:


Contact Dr. Lisa Pezzulich, Psy.D.



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